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[Discord]: Create Role command

What does it do?

This command creates a new role, to create give players, who should access the channel, to send / recieve minecraft messages to/from. You still need to apply this role to the channel individually!!!

How to use it?

Command: prefix+createRole (not case sensitive)

Which permissions are required?

For the user

See configuration:

The users ID must be present in this configuratin list entry. Or use config add permission.discordServerAdmin.allowedUserIDs THE_ID to add the users ID to the trusted IDs.

For the bot

The bot must have the permission to create and manage roles. For the best, the bot would have Administrator priviledges.


Example: .createRole "Minecraft SMP"

Send the command to a channel, the bot can read and write.
Send this message
You’ll get this reply and a new role was creatd.
This is the reply in the same channel
In the newly created channel, the bot will have sent this message:
Message in the new Channel

On wrong usage

Reply on a wrong usage