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MCDC Configuration


Where to put the file: your server directory/plugins/MCDC/config.yml


Type Description Example
Boolean Either true or false true
String character(s) that are in a line to get a chain of characters Hello World
String list a list of Strings seperated by new lines, two spaces and a - list:
- hello world
- please star this repository
Short A number between -32768 and 32767 1
Integer A number between -2147483648 and 2147483647 1234
long a number between -2147483648 and 2147483647. 123457890
long list a list of longs seperated by new lines, two spaces and a - list:
- 1234
- 1234567890


Option Type Default Value Description
useShortMessageFormat Boolean false If the minecraft message should not contain additional information about the message, such as the server and channel the message was sent to
pluginPrefix String §8[§6MCDC§8]§0: §r The prefix before every log entry and other messages sent by the plugin.
serverName String A Minecraft Server The name of ther server displayed in discord messages
debug Boolean false If additional information should be displayed.
Can be helpful for developers and debugging, but also spams your log files.
apiToken String Must be filled in before usage The Token used to create and identify the bot on discord. See [here](./Installation) for more information!
discordCommandPrefix String . The String used before discord commands, to identify messages as commands and treat them as such.
deleteDiscordCommandMessages Boolean false Specifies, if messages that are a discord command should be deleted
after they have been processed.
channelIDs long list none The IDs of the channels to broadcast messages to.
enableLinking Boolean true Specifies, if users should be able to link their discord and minecraft accounts.
allowListAllAccounts Boolean true Specifies, if users should be able to see all the other accounts that are linked in discord and minecraft.
showFooterInMessages Boolean true Specifies, if a footer with the 'serverName' (specified in this configuration) should be displayed in every message.
Integer 3 The OP level defined in ops.json that the player must have to remove accounts.
Setting it to 0 or lower enables the command for everyone.
Setting it to 5 or higher disables it for every player.
String list none The UUIDs of players who can remove accounts, no matter their OP Level. This is also known as a wildcard.
Integer 3 The OP level defined in ops.json that the player must have to execute the command /config.
Setting it to 0 or lower enables the command for everyone.
Setting it to 5 or higher disables it for every player. The console can still execute this command.
String list none The UUIDs of players who can execute the /config command, and do not have the required OP level. This is also known as a wildcard.
long list none The list of IDs of discord users who should be allowed to create new channel and roles for MCDC to use.
long list none The list of IDs of discord users who should be allowed to change settings of the bot (not implemented yet).
saveEscapeCharacterInConfig Boolean true Decides if escape characters should be skipped when typing arguments (they will keep their dunctionality tho) or if they should be added to the string.
Example: The command /config set test "foo \" bar" results in the outputs:
if true: test: foo \" bar"
if false: test: foo " bar.

Default Configuration

# Configuration file for plugin MCDC
# Author: MaFeLP (

# if the message should be shortened
# Allowed values: <true|false>
useShortMessageFormat: false

# the prefix displayed in the console before logs and in
# Allowed values: any String
pluginPrefix: '§8[§6MCDC§8]§0: §r'

# The name of the server displayed in discord messages
# Allowed values: any string
serverName: 'A Minecraft Server'

# If additional information should be displayed.
# Allowed values: <true|false>
debug: false

# The Token used to create your bot instance
# Allowed values: any String
apiToken: 'Your API Token goes here!'

# The String used before commands in the discord channels
# Allowed values: any String
discordCommandPrefix: '.'

# Selects if messages that are commands should be deleted after execution.
# Allowed values: <true|false>
deleteDiscordCommandMessages: false

# Discord Channel IDs to broadcast messages to.
  - 1234

# Enables accounts and linking.
# Allowed values <true|false>
enableLinking: true

# Allow players to list all the accounts.
# Allowed values <true|false>
allowListAllAccounts: true

# Decides, if the config value 'serverName' should be displayed in the footer of discord messages.
# Allowed values <true|false>
showFooterInMessages: true

# Permission section for setting permission levels
  # The permissions on linking and editing accounts.
    # The OP level needed to remove accounts of players.
    level: 3
    # A list of UUIDs of Players who have a wildcard to use this command.
      - a unique ID

  # Permission for minecraft command /config
    # Required OP level
    level: 3
    # A list of UUIDs of Players who have a wildcard to use this command.
      - a unique ID

  # Discord Server Admins are allowed to create Channels and Roles
    # A list of discord IDs of users who have a wildcard to use this command
      - 1234

  # Discord Bot admins, use cases may follow.
    # A list of authorised bot users.
      - 1234

# If the command parser should treat \ as a normal character
# Allowed values: <true|false>
saveEscapeCharacterInConfig: true

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