All Classes
Class | Description |
ChannelAdmin |
The class that manages the discord channels, whose messages are relayed to the
minecraft server and vise versa
CheckPermission |
Class used to check permissions on Discord or on the Minecraft server
Command |
Class to parse strings to commands.
CommandNotFinishedException |
The exception class that will be thrown when a command has not ended yet,
CommandParser |
Class to create new Commands
Config |
Class that implements the /config command in the minecraft chat.
CreateChannelListener |
The class that listens to the discord chats, if the channel creation command is executed.
CreateRoleListener |
CreateRoleListenerClass implements role creation with the command
prefix+createRole name
on the server, where the command was executed. |
DiscordListener |
Class that listens to all messages sent to a discord server
on which the bot is present on and can see the channels or
via direct message.
DiscordMain |
The class that handles initiation and destruction of the discord bot instance(s)
DiscordMessageBroadcast |
The Thread to handle sending of discord messages, to not hang the server on Message Sending.
JoinListener |
Class handling Join events of players joining the server
Link |
Class handling the linking of minecraft and discord accounts -
Warning This class in currently not implemented.
Logging |
Logging class to make logging easier and implement a global logging syntax.
Main |
The main class which includes enable and
disable methods called by the server on startup
and shutdown or on reload.
MinecraftChatListener |
Class that reacts to chat messages sent on the minecraft server.
NoCommandGivenException |
The Exception thrown if no command is passed into the command parser.
Permissions |
Permissions stored in the configuration with (levels and) wildcards for specific users.
RoleAdmin |
Class to manage the role that allows users to see the channel,
specified in ChannelAdmin
Settings |
Class containing all settings:
Internal variables,
user defined values,
handling configuration files
SetupListener |
discord channel
setup command class. |
Skin |
Class with information about a Player's skin
SkinManager |
Skin Manager used for managing getting skins from Mojang, saving them and getting head
images for the user avatar in Discord Messages.
TestMain |
Token |
"/token" command - use: set the discord api token with a command,
instead of using the configuration file