There is a new website layout out now with many advantages over the old one, with many more pages, a blog with comments (may be added later) AND a totally new design which was created as a jekyll theme by daattali.

Hi folks!

So, as you can see, I have adjusted the layout to use the jekyll theme beautiful jekyll by daattali. In my eyes, the website now looks much better than it did before (Here is the old page again:)

The old page

The new Start Page

The new Start Page is now not that long anymore and cluttered with information. It only shows a brief overview of this website and then shows you the recent blog articles. Therefore it looks much cleaner and is not as overwhelming if you look at it for the first time.

The Navigation Bar

With a Navigation Bar it is waaaaaaaay much easier to navigate, then clicking plain-text links in documents. It is just more intuitive.

Therefore the notification bar displays sub-menus to pages telling YOU about the projects I’m currently working on, or have been working on in the past.

Own Projects

The Own Projects sub-menu lists all the projects that I have worked on. The links bring you to another page, briefly explaining what the project is about and how to install it. On the bottom page of these “introduction pages” you can find a link with further information, which leads to the project’s GitHub Pages page or to the of the project on GitHub.


The Documentation sub-menu brings you to the documentation of the programs I have created (and also had the time and fun to document). These are currently only documentations of MCDC and Birthdaybot generated by Javadoc, but the other programs will get their own documentation, too (if I have the time and fun for this stuff).


This sub-menu lists all the projects I have actively contributed code to, that are not maintained by me. The links for these projects either links to the project’s website (may be GitHub Pages as well) or the GitHub Repository.


The About sub-menu contains useful links, like the About Me, GitHub or Credits page.

  • The About Me page tells a bit about who I am.
  • The GitHub menu entry is a link to my GitHub profile.
  • And lastly, the Credits entry leads to the credits page where all the stuff can be found, I have used on this page.