What is yadrpm?

yadrpm is the short form for “Yet Another Discord Rich Presence Maker” and is, as the name suggests another Rich Presence maker. But what is a Rich Presence anyways? A Rich Presence in Discord is the thing you see, when you click on a server member, who is currently playing a game. It looks like this, if you don’t use pictures:

Playing yadrpm

and if you use pictures it could look like this:

Playing Arch Linux


Note: yadrpm is currently in beta. This means many functionalities will (maybe) come in the future.

  • Configuring your own custom rich-presence
  • Use a big and a small picture with hover-text
  • Have a timer on how long you have played

Coming soonTM

  • Custom Buttons with custom Text and link to click on
  • A Timer which displays your current time
  • More templates
    • A windows template
    • a MacOS template,
    • a discord template,
  • Automated Releases
    • This also includes Binary releases for windows, MacOS and Linux.


Warning: yadrpm is currently in beta and there are no releases currently online. You need to build the executable yourself!

  1. Install the dependencies
  2. Execute curl -o "yadrpm-installer.sh" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaFeLP/yadrpm/stable/bash-scripts/download.sh"
  3. View and verify the downloaded file yadrpm-installer.sh. If you don’t know bash, ask someone who does or trust me that this file is not suspicious.
  4. Execute bash "yadrpm-installer.sh"
  5. Answer both questions with n.

Further information

Further information can be found here.