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Account - Class in com.github.mafelp.accounts
The method that stores all necessary information about an account with linked discord user and minecraft player.
Account(User, OfflinePlayer) - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.accounts.Account
The constructor to create an account from a minecraft Account.playerUUID and a discord Account.userID.
AccountCommand - Class in com.github.mafelp.minecraft.commands
The class that is being called on the execution of the command /account, executed as a minecraft player.
AccountCommand() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.commands.AccountCommand
accountEdit - com.github.mafelp.utils.Permissions
The permission to edit and remove accounts from the command line.
accountFile - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountLoader
The file in which all the accounts are stored.
accountFile - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountManager
The file in which the accounts are saved.
AccountLoader - Class in com.github.mafelp.accounts
The thread, which loads the accounts into AccountManager.linkedAccounts.
AccountLoader() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountLoader
AccountManager - Class in com.github.mafelp.accounts
Manager for creating, saving and loading linked discord and minecraft accounts.
AccountManager() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountManager
addAccount(Account) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountManager
Adds an Account to the list of linked accounts.
API_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Settings
API token used to authenticate the bot to discord - defined in config.yml - token can be found on
argumentIsAvailable(int) - Method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Command
Checks if the index to get the argument from is present.
arguments - Variable in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Command
The arguments of the command as an argument
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