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parseFromArray(String[]) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.CommandParser
method for parsing commands and arguments into the command class.
parseFromString(String) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.CommandParser
method for parsing commands and arguments into the command class.
PermissionValidate - Class in com.github.mafelp.utils
The class that checks if a user is authorised in the configuration.
PermissionValidate() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.utils.PermissionValidate
PersonCommand - Class in com.github.mafelp.commands
The class that handles the asynchronous execution of the person command.
PersonCommand(MessageCreateEvent, List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.commands.PersonCommand
The "Default" Constructor
postStartup() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.Main
The method that handles all the tasks that should be done after the bot has been logged in.
prefix - Variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.ConfigCommand
The prefix of the message that indicates if the current message is a command.
present - Variable in class com.github.mafelp.Builders.PresentBuilder
The present which will be configured.
PRESENT - com.github.mafelp.utils.Enums.PrivateListenerState
Present indicates that there is a PresentBuilder wizard running.
PresentBuilder - Class in com.github.mafelp.Builders
The class that handles the building of a present in a private chat.
PresentBuilder(User, User, Server, Message) - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.Builders.PresentBuilder
presentBuilderReactionListener - Variable in class com.github.mafelp.Builders.PresentBuilder
The Listener, which listens to to PresentBuilder.message.
PresentBuilderReactionListener - Class in com.github.mafelp.Listeners
The class that is being attached to messages when the PresentBuilder is running.
PresentBuilderReactionListener() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.Listeners.PresentBuilderReactionListener
presentBuilders - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.Builders.PresentBuilder
The map which saves the current state and all the presentBuilds for Users.
PresentBuilderState - Enum in com.github.mafelp.utils.Enums
The State the present builder can be in.
PresentBuilderState() - Constructor for enum com.github.mafelp.utils.Enums.PresentBuilderState
PresentManager - Class in com.github.mafelp.Manager
The class that handles tasks that have something to do with Presents.
PresentManager() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.Manager.PresentManager
presentsMap - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.Manager.PresentManager
The Map of presents for a specific server.
preStartup() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.Main
The method that handles all the tasks that should be executed before the bot is being logged in.
PrivateChannelListener - Class in com.github.mafelp.Listeners
The listener which listens to private messages.
PrivateChannelListener() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.Listeners.PrivateChannelListener
PrivateListenerState - Enum in com.github.mafelp.utils.Enums
The Wizards a user can have running in its private chat.
PrivateListenerState() - Constructor for enum com.github.mafelp.utils.Enums.PrivateListenerState
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