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threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.BirthdayCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.ConfigCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.GameCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.PersonCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.RandomCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.SkribblCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.UnwrapCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.commands.WrapCommand
The number of threads of this kind that were being created.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.Listeners.MessageCreateListener
The number of threads of this message listener.
threadID - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.Listeners.PrivateChannelListener
The number of threads of this message listener.
TITLE - com.github.mafelp.utils.Enums.PresentBuilderState
It indicates that it is waiting for input on the title.
toString() - Method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Command
toString(boolean) - Method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Command
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