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randomLinkToken() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.DiscordLinker
The method used to create a new Linking token, aka a Random, 6-Digit number, that is not already in the linkableAccounts list.
randomLinkToken() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.MinecraftLinker
The method used to create a new Linking token, aka a Random, 6-Digit number, that is not already in the linkableAccounts list.
registerSlashCommands() - Method in class com.github.mafelp.discord.DiscordMain
Method to register all slash commands (in bulk).
removeAccount(Account) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountManager
Removes an account from the linked accounts.
ResultSorter - Class in com.github.mafelp.minecraft.tabCompleters
A class that sorts tab completion results.
ResultSorter() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.tabCompleters.ResultSorter
RoleAdmin - Class in com.github.mafelp.discord
Class to manage the role that allows users to see the channel, specified in ChannelAdmin
RoleAdmin() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.discord.RoleAdmin
run() - Method in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountLoader
The method that runs the loading in another thread.
run() - Method in class com.github.mafelp.discord.DiscordMain
Method used to create the bot instance and log it in
run() - Method in class com.github.mafelp.discord.DiscordMessageBroadcast
The executing method to run the thread and sent all the messages.
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