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ChannelAdmin - Class in com.github.mafelp.discord
The class that manages the discord channels, whose messages are relayed to the minecraft server and vise versa
ChannelAdmin() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.discord.ChannelAdmin
chatMessageBroadcast - Enum constant in enum class com.github.mafelp.discord.BroadcastType
A player sent a normal message.
checkDirectories() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.skins.SkinManager
Checks the skin and head directories and creates them if they don't exist
checkPermission(Permissions, long) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.CheckPermission
Checks the configuration if the user id is in the configuration path.
checkPermission(Permissions, CommandSender) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.CheckPermission
Checks the configuration if a command executor has a specific permission or has a specific level.
checkPermission(Permissions, Player) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.CheckPermission
Checks the configuration if a player has a specific permission or has a specific level.
checkPermission(Permissions, MessageAuthor) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.CheckPermission
Checks the configuration if a command executor has a specific permission or has a specific level.
CheckPermission - Class in com.github.mafelp.utils
Class used to check permissions on Discord or on the Minecraft server
CheckPermission() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.utils.CheckPermission
checkSubFolder(File) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.skins.SkinManager
Checks if a folder exists and if not creates it.
com.github.mafelp.accounts - package com.github.mafelp.accounts
com.github.mafelp.discord - package com.github.mafelp.discord
com.github.mafelp.discord.commands - package com.github.mafelp.discord.commands
com.github.mafelp.minecraft - package com.github.mafelp.minecraft
com.github.mafelp.minecraft.commands - package com.github.mafelp.minecraft.commands
com.github.mafelp.minecraft.skins - package com.github.mafelp.minecraft.skins
com.github.mafelp.minecraft.tabCompleters - package com.github.mafelp.minecraft.tabCompleters
com.github.mafelp.utils - package com.github.mafelp.utils
com.github.mafelp.utils.exceptions - package com.github.mafelp.utils.exceptions
command - Variable in class com.github.mafelp.discord.DiscordMessageBroadcast
The command that is being executed.
command - Variable in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Command
The command aka.
Command - Class in com.github.mafelp.utils
Class to parse strings to commands.
Command(String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.utils.Command
default constructor for manual construction.
CommandListener - Class in com.github.mafelp.minecraft
The class that handles the command sending events.
CommandListener() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.CommandListener
CommandNotFinishedException - Exception in com.github.mafelp.utils.exceptions
The exception class that will be thrown when a command has not ended yet, aka.
CommandNotFinishedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.mafelp.utils.exceptions.CommandNotFinishedException
The exception that is being created and thrown.
CommandParser - Class in com.github.mafelp.utils
Class to create new Commands
CommandParser() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.utils.CommandParser
commandRegistration() - Method in class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.Main
Here are all commands registered
Config - Class in com.github.mafelp.minecraft.commands
Class that implements the /config command in the minecraft chat.
Config() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.commands.Config
configEdit - Enum constant in enum class com.github.mafelp.utils.Permissions
The permission to edit the configuration file
ConfigTabCompleter - Class in com.github.mafelp.minecraft.tabCompleters
The method that handles all the tab completion for the /config command.
ConfigTabCompleter() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.minecraft.tabCompleters.ConfigTabCompleter
configuration - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Settings
The configuration which holds all configuration information
configurationFile - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Settings
The file in which the configurations are specified in
configurationFileDirectory - Static variable in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Settings
Directory where the configuration files are in
consoleMessagePrefix(MessageCreateEvent) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Settings
Creates a prefix, without special characters, for a console message.
createAccountsFile() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.accounts.AccountManager
The method to create an account file.
createChannel(String, Server, String, EmbedBuilder, InteractionImmediateResponseBuilder, EmbedBuilder) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.discord.ChannelAdmin
Creates a channel to send the minecraft messages to.
CreateChannelListener - Class in com.github.mafelp.discord.commands
The class that listens to the discord chats, if the channel creation command is executed.
CreateChannelListener() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.discord.commands.CreateChannelListener
createDefaultConfig() - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.utils.Settings
creates a default and template configuration to set as default and use when user didn't specify a value in config.yml
createNewRole(Server, String, EmbedBuilder, InteractionImmediateResponseBuilder) - Static method in class com.github.mafelp.discord.RoleAdmin
Method creates a new Role on a server with the specified name.
CreateRoleListener - Class in com.github.mafelp.discord.commands
CreateRoleListenerClass implements role creation with the command prefix+createRole name on the server, where the command was executed.
CreateRoleListener() - Constructor for class com.github.mafelp.discord.commands.CreateRoleListener
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